Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

MORNING GOODS â€" Oh just stop. Twenty-two-year-old Daytona model Joshua D'Ambrosio is just making us lose it. Especially Page 8. What's he supposed to be? A hot circus act? CONTINUED » CONTINUED » Permalink | 8 comments | Add to del.icio.us Tagged: Joshua D'Ambrosio, Models, Morning Goods, Photos, risque
Not so recently, Ted Olson was the man you wanted to meet the front end of a sledgehammer. He was, after all, the fella who secured President George W. Bush a first term in office, thanks to his U.S. Supreme Court razzle dazzle. But now it's like, we want to sit in this man's lap. [...]
Over the next three weeks, is anybody in the Perry trial going to bring up the M-word? No, not "marriage" — "Mormon." With the LDS Church insisting it only donated some $2k in cash and $20k in legal services, evidence suggests there's something a little more nefarious going on. And this is the stuff not [...]
Today marks the first day in federal court for Perry v Schwarzenegger. Which of course also means there were a bunch of queers protesting outside the courthouse. I think I even recognize some Fresno people in that picture but who knows? I could delve into some of the back story but there’s an excellent piece in [...]
On my trip back home from Hayward CA,  myself and a good friend Rowshawn White and her boyfriend were heading back home and before getting to the  freeway i  had my gps showing us the way and then out of no where she hit the brake and fly into the parking lot of this wonderful [...]

Oregonians nians Against Discrimination Business Leaders Luncheon

Wednesday, April 21 2010
Portland Ballroom, Oregon Convention Center
This annual event gives business leaders, lawmakers, and community leaders an opportunity to take a stand in support of gay and transgender equality.

We are pleased to announce the dates for our 2010 Event Series! Mark your calendars now so that you don’t miss out on any of the excitement and surprises from our incredible events:   Oregonians Against Discrimination Business Leaders Luncheon Wednesday, April 21 2010 Portland Ballroom, Oregon Convention Center This annual event gives business leaders, lawmakers, and community leaders [...]

MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Thomas Wheatley

503-222-6151 x103 (w)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 503-888-4988 (c)

January 8, 2010 Thomas@basicrights.org

critical services for gay community face major cutbacks

New report documents devastating impact for gay and transgender Oregonians if Measures 66 and 67 fail

(PORTLAND, oregon â€" FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 2010) â€" As ballots begin arriving in mailboxes around taround the state, Basic Rights Oregon today distributed a new report documenting the impact of budget cuts expected if Measures 66 and 67 fail.

According to the study, released by the Williams Institute at UCLA, tens of thousands of lesbian, gay and bisexual Oregonians face severe cuts to critical services like HIV treatment and prevention, civil rights enforcement, mental health programs, education and public safety if Oregon voters do not pass Measures 66 and 67 in the January election.

In a dramatic illustration of the impact of failing to pass Measures 66 and 67, the Oregon Department of Human Services predicts that cuts to HIV testing and treatment program could result in 35 additional Oregon deaths.

"For many gay and transgender Oregonians who will lose critical services, this is literally a life or death election," said Jeana Frazzini, executive director of Basic Rights Oregon. She added, "We can't afford to lose. We have to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67."

Highlights of the report include an analysis of the American Community Survey and other sources indicating that 12,000 poor and low-income LGBT Oregonians rely on public services that face cuts.

"It is critical that Oregonians vote yes on Measures 66 and 67," said Michael Kaplan, executive director of Cascade AIDS Project. "Should these measures fail, we will be looking at drastic cuts to a broad net of services that our communities and our clients rely on."

Basic Rights Oregon is the state's leading advocacy organization working to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Oregonians experience equality. The Williams Institute at UCLA is the nation's leading research organization studying sexual orientation law and public policy.

# # #

Mainly gay news stories and posts from around the web on Africa: The gay news out of Africa featured in this post is for the most part grim. However, before we get into those stories and posts there’s a non-gay story that needs to be told… ** BBC News – Newsnight (article & video:) – Witch-doctors reveal [...]
Gay marriage is back in the California courts today — The much awaited Prop. 8 trial is underway. Prop. 8 News & Coverage: - LA Times: Prop. 8 trial to include unprecedented testimony — Challengers of the same-sex marriage ban plan to call to the stand homosexual couples, experts on the history of sexual discrimination and marriage, [...]

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