Sunday, January 10, 2010

Combined Gay News Headlines (T5T-1)

The bad news? The Wanda Sykes Show is still really, really bad. The good news? Neil Patrick Harris stopped by this week to discuss his thoughts on how to improve security in the skies. CONTINUED » Permalink | Post a comment | Add to Tagged: Neil Patrick Harris, Wanda Sykes
To ensure a select few Internet bloggers still consider the ridiculously profitable Avatar to be transphobic, a sex scene — between Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington's Na'vi characters (the blue people) — still be included on the DVD. CONTINUED » Permalink | 4 comments | Add to Tagged: avatar, Entertainment, james cameron, Movies, Science, Trans Activism, Transgender, [...]
OH SNAP â€" Adam Lambert hits the Hotel Cafe in West Hollywood to check out the performance of Ferras AlQaisi, that gent once rumored to be Adam's new beau. CONTINUED » CONTINUED » Permalink | 7 comments | Add to Tagged: adam lambert, Celebs, ferras alqaisi, Oh Snap, Photos
On my trip back home from Hayward CA,  myself and a good friend Rowshawn White and her boyfriend were heading back home and before getting to the  freeway i  had my gps showing us the way and then out of no where she hit the brake and fly into the parking lot of this wonderful [...]
Fresno Stonewall Democrats will meet on Wednesday, January 13, 2009 at Carrow’s Restaurant, 4280 N. Blackstone at Ashlan in Fresno. Dinner and social 6 P.M. Meeting 7 P.M. We will be discussing the current policies of the Obama administration in Afghanistan as well as participation in local activities. Fresno Stonewall Democrats represents the interests of the [...]



Tickets are $10 all pre-event ticket buyers will be entered to win a Marriott/The Original New Year’s Eve package!

Tickets will be available at these locations:

Funny Bone

Just Out

The Original

Basic Rights Oregon office


Gay Republicans Cheer Party's New Chairman ( By Deb Price Shortly after voters dealt Republicans another devastating blow in November, Robert Kabel, openly gay chairman of the D.C. Republican Party, received a call from a longtime friend, Michael Steele. Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland credited with coining the chant Drill, baby, drill at the Republican National Convention, told Kabel he intended to run for chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Meowth is Dead. Long Live Meowth! ( By Jacob Anderson-Minshall When Maddie Blaustein passed away suddenly this December few of her fans realized she’d gone. Like many voice actresses who disappear behind the scenes while their alter egos garner all the attention; Blaustein faced a certain level of obscurity, despite the fact that the characters she voiced are recognized on sight—especially a little beige cat named Meowth.
Support From Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle Help or Hurt Candidates? ( Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle - who leaves office next month because of term limits - remains a hero to some and villain to others, making him a factor in Tuesday’s primary for the next mayor and City Commission. Naugle is so controversial in the gay community that the Dolphin Democrats gay and lesbian political club is running advertisements targeted to gays and lesbians...
Florida Bar Will Support Gay Adoption ( The Florida Bar is coming out in a big way — for gay adoption. The Bar’s board of governors voted unanimously to file an amicus brief before the 3rd District Court of Appeal supporting a Miami-Dade circuit judge’s ruling that declared unconstitutional the state’s ban on gay adoptions. “We thought it was appropriate to defend the judge’s decision,” said Nancy Gregoire, a family section member and a partner with Kirschbaum...
Sex for Pay Slows Down Judge's Day ( by Norm Kent You probably do not know Michael Hecht. He just won an election for a judicial seat in the Superior Court of Pierce County, Washington State, just on the southern outskirts of Seattle. Don’t congratulate him yet, though. It seems that Mr. Hecht is under criminal investigation by the Pierce County, D.A. for soliciting, meeting, and paying male prostitutes for sex. As a result, the small office...
The Gay Marriage Ban Aftershocks ( ederal Judge Morrison England Jr. ruled this week that it was legal for organizations opposed to Proposition 8 to publicly disclose the identities of approximately 1,600 donors who gave between $100 and $999 to pro-Prop 8 causes since October 18th. Proposition 8, the statewide ballot initiative which called for a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman, passed by a 5 percent...
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